ID | Coordinates* | Neighboring genes | Expression (4–6, 7–8, 9–10, 11–12, 13–14, 15–16) |
Strongest annotations | Order |
VT25794 | chr3L 4958546–4960644 (2098 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
active |
antenno-maxillary-labial complex | VDRC |
VT25795 | chr3L 4960236–4962342 (2106 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT25797 | chr3L 4963634–4965798 (2164 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
active |
amnioserosa, hypopharynx, clypeolabrum | VDRC |
VT25799 | chr3L 4967163–4969247 (2084 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
active |
amnioserosa, ventral nerve cord subset, brain subset | VDRC |
VT25800 | chr3L 4968908–4971033 (2125 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT25801 | chr3L 4970574–4972739 (2165 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
active |
brain broad, ventral nerve cord broad | VDRC |
VT25803 | chr3L 4974058–4976159 (2101 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT25805 | chr3L 4978081–4980126 (2045 bp) | Con, CG17030 |
weak |
head subset, brain subset | VDRC |
VT25914 | chr3L 5204519–5206718 (2199 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
trunk mesoderm AISN subset | VDRC |
VT25919 | chr3L 5213380–5215511 (2131 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
anterior ventral nerve cord subset, salivary gland, ventral nerve cord subset | VDRC |
VT25920 | chr3L 5215141–5217352 (2211 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
anterior ventral nerve cord subset, brain subset | VDRC |
VT25921 | chr3L 5216880–5219078 (2198 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
ventral nerve cord subset, brain subset | VDRC |
VT25922 | chr3L 5218718–5220861 (2143 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
anterior endoderm AISN, anterior endoderm anlage, ventral nerve cord subset | VDRC |
VT25924 | chr3L 5222224–5224361 (2137 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
weak |
brain subset, anterior ventral nerve cord subset | VDRC |
VT25925 | chr3L 5224016–5226145 (2129 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
anterior ventral nerve cord subset, ventral nerve cord anlage subset | VDRC |
VT25926 | chr3L 5225787–5227907 (2120 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
active |
ventral nerve cord subset | VDRC |
VT25929 | chr3L 5233136–5235367 (2231 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
weak |
clypeolabrum anlage, ventral nerve cord subset | VDRC |
VT2593 | chr2L 5095281–5096276 (995 bp) | CG5828, CG4230 |
active |
crystal cell primordium, crystal cell | VDRC |
VT25930 | chr3L 5235051–5237134 (2083 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT25931 | chr3L 5236841–5238947 (2106 bp) | shep, CG4669 |
not active |
* note that all coordinates refer to the dm3 assembly of the D. melanogaster genome. Please use the UCSC liftOver tool for coordinate conversion between different assembly versions