ID | Coordinates* | Neighboring genes | Expression (4–6, 7–8, 9–10, 11–12, 13–14, 15–16) |
Strongest annotations | Order |
VT37721 | chr3R 2958220–2960027 (1807 bp) | CG31493, tRNA:CR31491 |
active |
procephalic ectoderm AISN, procephalic ectoderm anlage, brain primordium subset | VDRC |
VT37724 | chr3R 2962855–2964948 (2093 bp) | Fer1, CG31493 |
active |
head epidermis ventral primordium subset, head subset, ventral nerve cord subset | VDRC |
VT37727 | chr3R 2967607–2969570 (1963 bp) | Fer1, CR42738 |
active |
ventral nerve cord anlage subset, ventral nerve cord primordium subset, head subset | VDRC |
VT37797 | chr3R 3089335–3091432 (2097 bp) | Gld, CG44338 |
active |
hypopharynx, sensory system head | VDRC |
VT37802 | chr3R 3097891–3099493 (1602 bp) | CG10032, rn |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37803 | chr3R 3101637–3102547 (910 bp) | rn, CG10032 |
active |
anterior midgut anlage | VDRC |
VT37804 | chr3R 3102900–3105205 (2305 bp) | rn, CG10032 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37805 | chr3R 3104770–3106870 (2100 bp) | rn, CR44333 |
weak |
head subset | VDRC |
VT37807 | chr3R 3108096–3110188 (2092 bp) | rn, CR44333 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37808 | chr3R 3109751–3111853 (2102 bp) | rn, CR44333 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37809 | chr3R 3113144–3115349 (2205 bp) | rn, RacGAP84C |
active |
brain subset, brain primordium subset | VDRC |
VT37810 | chr3R 3114693–3116817 (2124 bp) | rn, RacGAP84C |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37811 | chr3R 3116294–3118420 (2126 bp) | rn, RacGAP84C |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37812 | chr3R 3117858–3120077 (2219 bp) | rn, RacGAP84C |
weak |
anal pad, clypeolabrum | VDRC |
VT37814 | chr3R 3121015–3123157 (2142 bp) | rn, RacGAP84C |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37815 | chr3R 3122551–3124649 (2098 bp) | rn, CG42544 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37816 | chr3R 3124148–3126229 (2081 bp) | rn, CG42544 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37817 | chr3R 3126799–3127534 (735 bp) | rn, CG42544 |
active |
procephalic ectoderm anlage, head subset, anterior endoderm anlage | VDRC |
VT37820 | chr3R 3130287–3132391 (2104 bp) | rn, CG42544 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT37821 | chr3R 3131426–3133666 (2240 bp) | rn, CG42544 |
not active |
* note that all coordinates refer to the dm3 assembly of the D. melanogaster genome. Please use the UCSC liftOver tool for coordinate conversion between different assembly versions