ID | Coordinates* | Neighboring genes | Expression (4–6, 7–8, 9–10, 11–12, 13–14, 15–16) |
Strongest annotations | Order |
VT5330 | chr2L 10453867–10454305 (438 bp) | CG5322, ppk10 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT5331 | chr2L 10455773–10457690 (1917 bp) | CG5322, LM408 |
active |
midgut chamber | VDRC |
VT53684 | chrU 5299428–5301799 (2371 bp) | Su(Ste):CR42406, CG41562 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT5404 | chr2L 10583755–10585936 (2181 bp) | Trim9, CG34161 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54749 | chrX 160772–162644 (1872 bp) | CR43906, CG13376 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54750 | chrX 165039–166564 (1525 bp) | ewg, CR43906 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54751 | chrX 166699–167688 (989 bp) | ewg, CR43906 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54773 | chrX 210343–211219 (876 bp) | CG3777, Or1a |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54775 | chrX 217282–219638 (2356 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
weak |
procephalic ectoderm AISN, head subset | VDRC |
VT54776 | chrX 219234–221358 (2124 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54778 | chrX 222699–224763 (2064 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54779 | chrX 224312–226513 (2201 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
active |
pharynx, esophagus | VDRC |
VT54780 | chrX 226133–228242 (2109 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
active |
head subset, telson subset, dorsal ectoderm anlage subset | VDRC |
VT54781 | chrX 227821–229921 (2100 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54782 | chrX 229572–231630 (2058 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54783 | chrX 231286–233368 (2082 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
active |
salivary gland, head epidermis dorsal broad, dorsal epidermis broad | VDRC |
VT54784 | chrX 232988–235114 (2126 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
active |
tracheal system primordium broad, amnioserosa, tracheal system broad | VDRC |
VT54786 | chrX 236406–238500 (2094 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54787 | chrX 237999–240208 (2209 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
VDRC | |
VT54788 | chrX 241623–242781 (1158 bp) | CG3777, CG32816 |
not active |
* note that all coordinates refer to the dm3 assembly of the D. melanogaster genome. Please use the UCSC liftOver tool for coordinate conversion between different assembly versions