Fly Enhancers @ Stark Lab

ID Coordinates* Neighboring genes Expression
(4–6, 7–8, 9–10, 11–12, 13–14, 15–16)
Strongest annotations Order
VT20804 chr2R 18295742–18296194 (452 bp) CG6044, ventrally-expressed-protein-D activityactivityactivityactivityactivityactivity
head mesoderm anlage, trunk mesoderm anlage broad, trunk mesoderm AISN broad VDRC


stageannotation termintensity
4-6trunk mesoderm AISN broad3
4-6head mesoderm AISN3
7-8head mesoderm anlage4
7-8trunk mesoderm anlage broad4
9-10brain anlage subset3
9-10ventral nerve cord anlage subset3
9-10trunk mesoderm anlage2
11-12brain primordium subset3
11-12ventral nerve cord primordium subset3
13-14brain broad2
15-16not active0

Whole-slide images

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Neighboring genes

gene IDgene namedistancelinks
FBgn0034725CG6044overlapping BDGP FlyBase
FBgn0053200ventrally-expressed-protein-D288bp upstream BDGP FlyBase
FBgn0022984qkr58E-3971bp upstream BDGP FlyBase
FBgn0034726Mes43552bp upstream BDGP FlyBase
FBgn0022986qkr58E-14319bp upstream BDGP FlyBase

UCSC snapshot

UCSC snapshot



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